Our Airstream Classic

Our Airstream Classic
Waiting to leave for Alaska

Monday, November 29, 2010

Post #10: The Little White House

Today, Monday Nov 29th, we drove with my Uncle to Warm Springs Georgia about 90 miles south of Atlanta to visit The Little White House - Franklin Roosevelt's retreat before and during his presidency.  Immediately you are struck once leaving Atlanta and heading south on the State Route 27 that you have regressed 50 years in time.  The rural farm areas have not changed much since the time when Franklin would come to Warm springs in  hopes that the warm waters (constant 88F) would help him recover from his paralysis from polio.  In addition to his support of the center, Roosevelt was also responsible for starting  the March of Dimes campaign.  The Foundation has grown dramatically since the time of the 30-40's and now in an era where the incidence and wrath of polio has dwindled, the institute focuses more on stroke and other paraplegic illnesses in its rehabilitation facilities.

Upon entering the grounds of the Little White House you realize how small and intimate the house was and remains.  The house has 3 small bedrooms (FDR, Eleanor and his secretary), a living room/dining room, a small entry hall and a kitchen.  On the back is a rotunda-like porch area where they could enjoy the forest and the cooling breezes.  The house is very simple in its furnishings and kept with the concept of a summer cabin.  One can understand why he liked to come here away from the hustle of the White House in Wash DC.  In the living room is a large leather chair with a woven cane foot stool and a square table that fit over the foot stool.  It is here that the President worked and also where he was when struck with his terminal stroke.  The water color portrait that remains incomplete is on display in the accompany museum along with his cars and other memorabilia from the house.

Tonight we are back in our trailer listening to the rain (constant all day).  We hope by morning that it will have receded enough for us to be able to hitch up the trailer to the truck and begin our journey southeastward to Beaufort, SC.  We've had a wonderful visit but after being on the road since October 10th (China) and then leaving NJ on Nov 10, we are ready for a little downtime at home.

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